太陽光発電英和用語集(スマートグリッド編) ver.2 (翻訳会社ジェイビット用語編集委員会)


太陽光発電英和用語集(スマートグリッド編) ver.2


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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
A↑ インデックスへ
Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI) (IEC61850)抽象通信サービスインタフェース(ACSI)
accountability 説明性;説明責任
actual MWh change: 電力消費(MWh単位)の年間総変動量:
The actual sum of MWh changes due to customer participation in a sponsored Demand Response program for the annual period
actual peak reductionピーク電力低減:
The coincident reductions to the annual peak load (measured in megawatts) achieved by customers that participate in a demand response program at the time of the annual system peak of the utility.
additional functionality追加機能
adjusted CBL (customer baseline load)調整ベースライン負荷
adjustment basis average CBL (customer baseline load)調整基準平均ベースライン負荷
adjustment basis average usage調整基準平均電力需要
advance notification 事前通知
advanced meter (smart meter) 高度メーター(スマートメーター):
advanced metering deployment 高度メーター方式の導入
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)AMI (高度メーターインフラ);(スマートメーターと同意)
Advanced Metering Infrastructure is another term for smart meters or electricity meters that automatically measure and record usage data at regular intervals and provide the data to consumers and energy companies at least once daily.
advanced metering penetration高度メーター方式の普及
Advanced or Smart Metering高度メーター方式あるいはスマートメーター
advaned metering penetration rate 高度メーター普及率
after-the-fact metering 事後検針
after-the-fact metering 事後計測
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy資源エネルギー庁
aggregation 集約;アグリゲーション:
太陽光発電や風力発電は出力が大きく変動する。再生可能エネルギーを安定的かつ有効な活用を目的として分散している発電施設からの電力を情報通信技術によって遠隔制御し束ねて、あたかも一つの発電所(仮想発電所:バーチャルパワープラント(VPP))のように機能させる(EIC ネット)
aggregator アグリゲータ:
An aggregator is a buyer's agent that joins customers together as a single purchasing unit and negotiates on their behalf for the purchase of electricity service; An aggregator is a broker that acts on behalf of a group or groups of customers.
alternating current (AC)交流
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)ANSI (米国国家規格協会):
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)ARRA (2009年アメリカ復興・再投資法:
通称景気刺激策 (the Stimulus)、復興法 (The Recovery Act) は、アメリカ合衆国第111議会において2009年2月に制定され、バラク・オバマ大統領が2009年2月17日に署名して成立した、景気刺激対策法。(Wikipedia)
AMI network: AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure) ネットワーク
AMM Automated Meter Management; 自動メーター管理方式
AMR Automated Meter Reading: 自動電力メーター(検針値)読取方式
ancillary servicesアンシラリーサービス:
Services that ensure reliability and support the transmission of electricity to customer loads.
ANTANT (近距離無線通信規格): カナダDynastream Innovations[link to out-side of this site]が開発した2.4GHz帯での超低消費電力型の近距離ネットワークプロトコル。通信距離は数メートルと短く、データの送信は最速で20Kbps。
ANT is a proprietary (but open access) multicast wireless sensor network technology designed and marketed by ANT Wireless (a division of Dynastream Innovations in turn a wholly owned subsidiary of Garmin). (wikipedia)
application layerアプリケーション層:
The application layer is the OSI layer closest to the end user which means both the OSI application layer and the user interact directly with the software application. This layer interacts with software applications that implement a communicating component. (wikipedia)
asset management: 資産管理:
The ability to leverage the value of metering data and other available information to increase the value of utility investments and/or to improve customer service.
automated meter management (AMM)AMM (自動メーター管理方式): advanced metering managementと同義
automated meter reading (AMR)AMR (自動電力メーター読取方式)
automatic brake system自動ブレーキ
automatic driving system自動運転システム
availability payment利用可能量対価: 出力可能な状態で待機する場合に支払われる料金
available transfer capability空容量
average daily event period usage 平均的な日次イベント期間の電力需要
average day CBL (customer baseline load)平均的なベースライン負荷
average event period usage平均的なイベント期間の電力需要
B↑ インデックスへ
BACnet BACnet (ビル・オートメーション/制御ネットワークプロトコル)
balance between electricity supply and demand電力需給バランス
balance the electricity supply and demand電力の需給バランスを取る
balancing the supply and demand of electricity at peak times
base load electricity sourceベース電力源
baseline ベースライン(基準):要請された電力使用の低減実施前の需要家の電力使用量
A term used to describe a customers usage prior to taking action to reduce its usage as requested.
baseline adjustments基準補正
baseline information 基準情報
baseline window 基準ウインドウ
battery charging technology充電技術
BEMSBuilding Energy Management System: ビルエネルギー管理システム
BGE (Baltimore Gas and Electric Company)ボルチモア・ガス&電力会社
bid limitDRP参加者が申請できる入札最高額:
The maximum bid in $/MWh that can be submitted by a demand response program participant. If there is no bid limit leave blank
billing課金; 請求
billing cycle請求書作成周期
Bluetooth ブルー・トゥース: IEE802.15.1標準規格に基づく近距離無線技術
Bonnevill Power Administration (BPA)ボンヌビル電力管理局
General term for internet connections faster than dial-up. A generally accepted definition would mean data rates of more than 100000 bps (100 kbps)
Broadband over Power Line (BPL)BPL (高速電力線通信)
smart meter B-route スマートメーターBルート
重点8機器:スマートメーターBルート、太陽光発電、蓄電池、燃料電池、 EV/PHV、エアコン、照明機器、給湯器の8機器のこと。The term “8 major devices” refers to: smart meter B-route, photovoltaic generation devices, storage cells, fuel cells, EV/PHV (Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles), air conditioners,lighting devices and water heaters.
Building Energy Management System (BEMS)BEMS (ビルエネルギー管理システム)
buildingSmart Alliance (BSA)北米ビルディングスマートアライアンス
bundled product抱き合わせ製品
buyback 買戻し
C↑ インデックスへ
California Public Utility Commission (PUC)California PUC (カリフォルニア州公益事業委員会)
capacity charge容量電力料金:
The capacity charge sometimes called “demand charge” or “system use charge is assessed on the maximum or peak amount of electricity used.
capacity credit 容量クレジット
capacity market (centralized)容量市場 (集中型):
capacity payment 容量支払制度:
capacity serviceキャパシティーサービス:
A type of demand response service in which demand resources are obligated over a defined period of time to be an available resource for the system operator.
carbon dioxide二酸化炭素:
A colourless odourless incombustible gas present in the atmosphere and formed during respiration, decomposition and combustion of organic compounds.
carbon footprintカーボンフットプリント;製品が販売されるまでの温室効果ガス排出量
carbon offsetカーボン・オフセット:
car-sharing systemカーシェアリングシステム
CBL basis CBL基準
CBL windowCBL窓
CEMSCommunity/Cluster Energy Management System: 地域エネルギー管理システム
CHAdeMO fast charging systemCHAdeMO急速充電システム
chemical cell 化学電池
CIMCommon Information Model: 共通情報モデル
CO2 emissions reduction goalCO2排出量の削減目標
commercial and industrial customers大口需要家
commercial sector商業部門
common commercial protocol (CCP)スマートビル向け共通通信プロトコル
Common Data Classes (CDC) (IEC61850)共通データクラス
Common Information Model (CIM)CIM (共通情報モデル)
communication between substations変電所間通信
communication between substations and control centres制御所-変電所間通信
communication protocol 通信プロトコル
Communication Requirements for Functions and Device Models (IEC61850)機能及び装置モデルの通信要求事項
communication standards for demand responseデマンドレスポンス通信規格
Community/Cluster Energy Management System (CEMS)CEMS (地域エネルギー管理システム)
compatible logical node classes and data classes (IEC61850)互換論理ノードクラス及びデータオブジェクトクラス
Configuration Description Language for Communication in Electrical Substations Related to IEDs (IEC61850)IEDに関する変電所内通信用コンフィギュレーション記述言語
conformance testing (IEC61850)適合性試験
Connection capacity接続容量
consistency 一貫性
end user of electricity, gas, water or heat
context awarenessコンテキストアウェアネス:「さまざまな状況のこと」をコンテキストと呼ぶが、その状況に応じた処理をすることをコンテキストアウェアネスという
consumer sector民生部門
Cooperative Electric Utility: 協働組合電力会社:
An electric utility legally established to be owned by and operated for the benefit of those using its service.
co-simulation コ・シュミレーション;連成シミュレーション
CPPCritical Peak Pricing: 電力に関する緊急ピーク料金
create telecommunications standards for the remote-controlled operation of energy equipmentエネルギー機器を遠隔制御するための通信規格を整備
Creation of rules for the negawatt transactions markeネガワット取引市場の創設に向けたルール策定
critical peak pricing (CPP): CPP (重要ピーク料金) :
CPP rates typically charge a much higher price during a few hours per day on critical peak days. The number of critical peak days is usually capped for a calendar year and are linked to conditions such as system reliability concerns or very high supply prices.
critical peak pricing with load control 直接負荷制御を伴うCPP料金:
cross-area wheeling service振替供給
Cross-Regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Japan電力広域的推進機関
cross-regional interconnected grid広域連系系統
curtailment service provider(CSP)負荷削減サービス提供者(アグリゲータとも呼ばれる):
Demand response providers that are not necessarily load serving entities.
customer baseline load (CBL)ベースライン負荷:基準となる日負荷曲線
customer class需要家タイプ
purchaser and/or user of a product or service supplied by an organization. The Customer may be the ultimate consumer, user, beneficiary or purchaser
cyber-physical サイバーフィジカル
cyber-pysical system (CPS)CPS:
cyber securityサイバーセキュリティ
D↑ インデックスへ
Data link layerデータリンク層:
The data link layer provides node-to-node data transfer a link between two directly connected nodes. It detects and possibly corrects errors that may occur in the physical layer (wikipedia)
data modeling データモデリング:
day-ahead market 前日市場; 電力スポット市場
day-ahead option 前日オプション
deficiency penalty 不足分違約金
demand bidding and buyback需要入札・買戻し:
A demand response program where customers or curtailment service providers offer bids to curtail based on wholesale electricity market prices or an equivalent.
demand buyback 需要買戻し
Demand Reduction (DR)需要低減:
Demand reduction is when an energy consumer reduces their peak demand and energy use at a specified time.
demand reduction bids需要削減入札
demand response デマンドレスポンス:
Demand response implies a ‘bottom up’ approach: customers become active in managing their consumption in order to achieve efficiency gains and thus reap monetary/economic benefits. Demand response can be defined as “the changes in electric usage by end-use customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of electricity over time.
demand response and smart grid coalition (DRSG)DRSG (デマンドレスポンス/スマートグリッド連合)
demand response availability measurement DR実施可能性の計測
demand response event DRイベント
Demand Response Interface Specificationsデマンドレスポンス・インターフェース仕様書
demand response objects デマンドレスポンス・オブジェクト(DR Object)
demand response program (DRP)需要反応プログラム; デマンドレスポンスプログラム
A company's service/product/tariff related to changes in electric usage by end-use customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of electricity over time or to incentive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when system reliability is jeopardized.
demand response signals (DR signals) デマンドレスポンス信号(DR signal)
demand side (such as aggregators)(アグリゲータなどの)需要側
demand side management(DSM)デマンドサイドマネジメント; 需要側管理: 家庭(需要側)などの電力の需要状況などの制御・管理を行うこと
DSM has been used by the power industry over the last thirty years with the aim to reduce energy consumption and improve overall electricity usage efficiency through the implementation of policies and methods that control electricity demand.
deployment 導入; 配置;実施; 使用;展開;要請; 動員
dispatch; utilize; call on
large deployments of demand response resources
large demand response deployments
deploy economic demand response resources
call on demand response resources
deployment time 実施時間
deregulation of electricity電力小売自由化
digital home standard (DHS)DHS (家庭向けPLC標準仕様)
direct load control (DLC)直接負荷制御:
A demand response activity by which the program sponsor remotely shuts down or cycles a customer’s electrical equipment (e.g. air conditioner, water heater) on short notice.
distributed energy resource(DER)分散エネルギー資源
distributed energy resource management system (DERMS)分散エネルギー資源管理システム
Distributed Generation (DG)分散型電源:
Any small scale electric generation that is located at or near the point of end use.
distributed power supplies分散電源
distributed renewable energy resources分散型再生エネルギー源
distribution board 分電盤(配電盤):電気を住宅内の各部屋に分岐するための装置
distribution management 配電管理
distribution management system (DMS)配電系統の制御システム
distribution network配電網; 配電ネットワーク
distribution network配電網
Distribution System 配電系統;配電システム
The network of wires and equipment (electricity) that carries energy from the transmission or transportation systems to the customer's premises.
distribution-network operator配電網事業者
DMSDistribution Management System:配電系統制御システム
DNP3Distributed Network Protocol Version 3:分散型ネットワークプロトコル第3版
DSM Demand Side Management: 電力需要側管理
duration curve持続曲線:
duration curves of average of market clearing price in peak hour at each electricity wholesale market
duration of eventイベント時間:
The length of an Emergency or Economic Demand Response Event in hours.
dynamic pricing ダイナミックプライシング;変動料金制:
Dynamic pricing refers to the family of rates that offer customers time-varying electricity prices on a day-ahead or real-time basis.
E↑ インデックスへ
E-Energy ICT-based Energy System of the Future: ドイツ政府スマートグリッドプロジェクト
ECHONET is a communication protocol designed to create the “smart houses” of the future.
ECHONET Lite通信プロトコルは、スマートメーターとHEMSコントローラー、およびHEMSコントローラーとHAN(家庭内ネットーワーク)の通信規格。
The ECHONET Lite communication protocol is being rogressively adopted as the standard for communication between smart meters and HEMS (Home Energy Management System) controllers, and between HEMS controllers and HAN (Home Area Networks).
ECHONET protocol ECHONETプロトコル:
eco-friendly vehiclesエコカー
economic lad dispatching control (EDC)EDC (経済負荷配分制御):
economic program 経済プログラム:
EIS AllianceEnergy Information Standards Alliance : 米国エネルギー情報規格アライアンス
EISA Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007: 米国エネルギー自給・安全保障法
EMSEnergy Management System: エネルギー管理システム
Electric Business Act 電気事業法
Electric Distribution Company(EDC)配電事業者
Electric grid; power grid電力系統:
A network of synchronized power providers and consumers that are connected by transmission and distribution lines and operated by one or more control centers.
exchanging information from a CDC-based data model (IEC61850)
Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)テキサス電力信頼度協議会
Electric utility電力会社: 民間電力会社、公共団体電力会社、協同組合電力会社などがある:
A corporation, person, agency, authority or other legal entity or instrumentality producing, transmitting or distributing electricity for use primarily by the public investor-owned electric utilities(民間電力会社), municipal and state utilities(公共団体電力会社), and rural electric cooperatives (協同組合電力会社).
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)EVSE (電気自動車充電設備)
electrical grid (power grid)電力系統:
An electrical grid is an interconnected network for delivering electricity from producers to consumers. (wikipedia)
electricity bill電気代;電気料金
electricity bill電気代;電気料金
electricity consumption 電力消費
electricity customer 電力需要家
electricity market 電力市場
electricity network 電力ネットワーク: (電力系統と同義)
electricity rate 電気料金
electricity retail market 電力小売市場
electricity suppliers電気供給事業者
electricity supply and demand電力需給
electricity system電力システム
electricity use 電気の利用
electricity wheeling電力融通
emergency demand response event緊急DRイベント:
The period of time during which participants in a Demand Response Program must reduce load.
emission controls排出ガス規制
energy conservation省エネ
energy density エネルギー密度
energy management system (EMS)EMS (エネルギー管理システム):
energy mixエネルギーミックス:
例文:Solar’s contribution to Japan’s energy mix soared during the second half of 2016, when solar PV accounted for more than 5% of all electricity generation.
Energy Resource Aggregation Business Forum (the ERAB Forum)エネルギー・リソース・アグリゲーション・ビジネス・フォーラム(ERABフォーラム)
Energy Resource Aggregation Business Meeting (the ERAB Workshop) エネルギー・リソース・アグリゲーション・ビジネス検討会(ERAB 検討会)
energy self-sufficiency ratioエネルギー自給率
energy-generating equipmentエネルギー機器
The organization that is (1) responding to the survey, (2) offering demand response programs,time-based rates/tariffs, or (3) using advanced or smart meters.
environmental compatibility環境適合性
environmental performance環境性能
environmental protection measure環境対策;環境保護対策
establishing new energy systems新エネルギーシステムの構築
establishment of communication standards for demand responseデマンドレスポンスのための通信規格の整備
Ethernet イーサネット:
IEEE802.3 Ethernet WGで策定された規格。
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)CENELEC (欧州電気標準化委員会)
European Committee for Standardization(CEN)CEN (欧州標準化委員会)
European Smart Cities EUスマートシティプロジェクト:
Smart Economy
Smart Mobility
Smart Environment
Smart People
Smart Living
Smart Governance
EV batteriesEVバッテリー
event day 需給逼迫日
EVs 電気自動車:
Electric Vehicles (EVs) run on an engine charged by a battery.
exlusion rules 除外規則
expanding the introduction of renewable energy再エネの拡大
Expected Peak Load Value(EPLV)予想ピーク負荷価値
extremely hot days of the summer猛暑日
F↑ インデックスへ
factory energy management system (FEMS)FEMS (工場エネルギー管理システム)
FACTSFlexible AC Transmission Systems: フレキシブル交流送電システム
FANField Area Network: 地域通信網
fast charging station急速充電器ステーション
feed-in tariff system for renewable energy再生可能エネルギーの固定価格買取制度
feed-in-tariff (FIT)固定価格買い取り制度 (FIT) :
The Feed-in Tariff system implemented in 2012 to promote renewable energy deployment is also one of the measures designed to change the shape of the electricity market.
FEM Factory Energy Management System: 工場エネルギー管理システム
FG SmartFocus Group on Smart Grid: ITU-T内
FIAPFacility Information Access Protocol: 設備情報アクセス・プロトコル
field area network (FAN)地域通信網
final adjustment factor 最終調整係数
FIT systemFIT制度: 固定価格買い取り制度
Fixed Rate Electricity固定料金:
A fixed rate product provides a firm, fixed price for a specified term, usually one or two years. There is usually a cancellation fee associated with these products.
Flexible AC transmission system フレキシブル交流送電システム
flexible load shape 柔軟な負荷形状
FMIFunction Mockup Interface (モデル接続インターフェース技術):
FMU(Functional Mockup Unit)という単位を1モデルとして、ツール間の交換、接続が可能。
FMIには、以下の 2 つの方法で、モデルの接続が可能
Model Exchange(モデル交換)/Co-Simulation(コ・シミュレーション、連成シミュレーション)
FMUFunctional Mockup Unit(FMIの対象となるモデル)
formulation of rules for the measurement of reverse power flow逆潮流に係る計量ルールの整理等
frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHHS) FHHS (周波数ホッピング方式):
frequency shift keying (FSK)FSK (周波数変調):
fuel cell燃料電池:
a device that converts chemical energy from a fuel into electricity. Future-oriented research is looking to utilize hydrogen for the fuel, but fuel cells can also use natural gas and methanol.
fuel switching燃料切替え:
means the substitution of one energy source for another in a particular end use or process, as a result of changing relative prices or technologies.
fuel-cell powered vehicles燃料電池車
functional safety機能安全
G↑ インデックスへ
gateway deviceゲートウェイ装置
geothermal energy 地熱エネルギー:
Geothermal energy is energy that utilizes heat from the earth.
GOOSEGOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Events): 通信プロトコル
green energyグリーンエネルギー:
Green energy in the retail electricity context is electricity consumers can buy that comes from “green” sources, usually wind power.
grid connection系統連系
grid connection work系統連系工事
grid parity 発電コスト分岐点:
grid to vehicle (G2V)G2V:
gross adjustment factor 総調整係数
H↑ インデックスへ
HANHome Area Network: 宅内通信網
hardware-in-the-loop(HIL) simulationハードウェアインザループ(HIL)シミュレーション:
リアルタイム シミュレーションの一種。HIL シミュレーションを使用して、コントローラーの設計をテストする
heat pump ヒートポンプ:
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)HVAC (暖房、換気空調サービス)
HEMSHome Energy Management System: 宅内エネルギー管理システム
HEMS controllerHEMSコントローラ
high voltage direct current power supply system HVDC給電システム(高電圧直流給電システム)
high voltage direct current transmission system HVDC送電システム(高圧直流送電システム):
higher digitalization 高度デジタル化
highly-variable load logic 極めて変わりやすい負荷ロジック
home area network (HAN)宅内通信網 (HAN);ホームエリアネットワーク:
ZigBee, PLC, Wi-Fi, ECHONET Lite, Ghnなど。
The HAN is a communication network of devices in and around a customer premise offering customers the ability to better manage their energy use and their electric bill.
home energy management system (HEMS)HEMS (宅内エネルギー管理システム):
home gateway (HGW)ホームゲートウェイ:
home ICT ホームICT:
hot weather alerts猛暑日警報
hourly pricing:時間料金;時間課金:
A pricing plan where prices for energy vary by the hour usually based in part on a wholesale market price for energy.
household energy resource device家庭内エネルギーリソース機器
hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”)フラッキング; 水圧破砕法; 水力破砕 :
Fracking is a process for extracting natural gas from previously hard-to-reach areas. The driller injects waters and chemicals into the well to fracture the rocks down below, letting the natural gas escape.
Hydroelectric Power Plants - Communication for monitoring and control (IEC61850)水力発電所-監視及び制御のための通信
hydro power plant水力発電所
I↑ インデックスへ
ICTInformation and Communication Technolgy: 情報通信技術
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commissio: 国際電気標準会議
IEC 61850 IEC 61850 (IECのスマートグリッド標準規格)
IED (Intelligent Electronic Device)インテリジェント電子機器
IEC 61968 IECの配電管理用システムインターフェース規格
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; 米国電気電子学会
incentive payment インセンティブ;報奨金;奨励金(支払)
incentive-based demand responseインセンティブ型DR
incentive-based DR program インセンティブベース:
Provide motivation or direct payments to customers to induce load reductions when needed, usually for system reliability.
independent sysmte operator (ISO)独立系統運用事業者; 独立系統運用機関:
independent power producer (IPP)卸供給事業者
independent transmission operator (ITO)独立送電運用機関:
industrial energy customer産業用エネルギー需要家:
One of three principal classes of energy customer. The classification of industrial customer is made either because the consumer 1) is a manufacturing, construction, mining, agriculture, fishing or forestry establishment or 2) uses an amount of electricity that exceeds some specified limit.
industrial, household, and transportation企業・事業部門、家庭部門、運輸部門(需要家の区分)
information and communication technology (ICT) ICT(情報通信技術)
Innovative Energy Strategyエネルギー革新戦略
installed capacity 設備容量:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)IEEE(米国電気電子学会)
insufficient supply of power電力供給不足
integral architecture; integral (manufacturing system) architecture すり合わせ型:
integral manufacturingすり合わせ型製造
intelligent automationコンピュータ技術を駆使した自動化
intelligent buildingインテリジェントビル
intelligent electronic device (IED)インテリジェント電子機器
interconnected line連系線
Internet of Things (IoT)IoT : もの同士のインターネット通信
Internet protocol (IP)IP (インタネットプロトコル)
ability of a system to exchange data with other systems of different types and/or from different manufacturers
interruptible load遮断可能負荷:
interval meterインターバルメーター:
investor-owned electric utility (IOU)IOU (投資家所有電気事業者);民間電力会社
A privately-owned electric utility whose stock is publicly traded. It is rate regulated and authorized to achieve an allowed rate of return.
IoT (Internet of Things) technologyIoT技術
irrigation curtailment program 灌漑削減プログラム
J↑ インデックスへ
Japan Electric Measuring Instruments Manufacturers' Association日本電気計測器工業会
Japan Electric Meters Inspection Corporation (JEMIC)日本電気計器検定所
Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX)日本卸電力取引所:
A body consisting of utility companies, municipalities who own public utilities, and/or municipalities who purchase energy from private utilities, which acts as a committee for making decisions regarding the acquisition and delivery of energy resources or related services.
K↑ インデックスへ
kilo Watt hour (kWh)キロワット時:
L↑ インデックスへ
Land-based Wind陸上型風力発電:
Land based wind can either be large wind farms or community scale.
Large Hydro 大型水力発電:
Large scale dams that block rivers and produce significant amounts of power.
large-lot industrial user 大口産業ユーザー
liberalization (retail liberalization) 自由化(小売自由化)
liberalization of energy marketsエネルギー市場の自由化
liberalization of retail supply 電力の小売自由化:
例文: Japan has implemented a series of measures to reform the nation’s electricity system, including liberalization of retail supply and legal unbundling of power generation and transmission and distribution.
lithium-ion batteriesリチウムイオン電池
lithium-ion battery リチウムイオン電池(二次電池)
The amount of electric power delivered or required at any specific point or points on a system.
load as capacity resource供給力負荷:
load control 負荷制御
load forecasting: 負荷予測:
The estimation of future load requirements for specified intervals over a period of time.
load frequency control (LFC)LFC (負荷周波数制御)
load response program (LRP)負荷反応プログラム:
emergency load response program (緊急時に負荷削減を行った最終需要家への補償手段が定められている)とeconomic load response program (ELRP)(需要家に負荷削減のインセンティブを与える)がある
Load Serving Entity (LSE)LSE;電力小売事業者:
A LSE is an entity that delivers electricity or natural gas. It can be an Alternative Electricity Supplier, Natural Gas Supplier, or a Utility.
load shifting 負荷移行:
Demand-side management programs designed to encourage consumers to move their use of electricity from on-peak times to off-peak times.
locational marginal price (LMP) 地域別料金
logical device 論理デバイス
logical node (LN)論理ノード
long-term buyback 長期買戻し
Long-term Energy Supply and Demand Outlook長期エネルギー需給見通し
M↑ インデックスへ
malware マルウェア:
mapping マッピング:
ある項目に対する別項目の位置づけ、割り当てのルール、規則。 また、データのインポートなどで、異なるデータ項目を同一項目として関連付ける作業をいう
mapping to web protocolsウェブサービスへのマッピング
maximum base load 最大ベース負荷
The highest level of total demand, in MW, for customers participating in a demand response program, excluding any demand reduction that results from the program.
maximum emergency generation緊急最大発電
Maximum Emergency Service Level (MESL)最大緊急サービスレベル
measurement and verfication plan 計測・検証計画
Megawatt (MW): メガワット:
One million watts of electricity.
Megawatt-hour (MWh): メガワット(時):
One thousand kilowatt-hours or one million watt-hours.
mesh network メッシュネットワーク:
メッシュネットワーク(英: mesh network)は、ノード間のデータや音声のルーティングの一種。(wikipedia)
meter data reporting deadline 計測データ報告期限
meter data reporting interval 計測データ報告間隔
meter reading検針値:検針
metering generator output 発電出力測定
micro gas turbineマイクロガスタービン:100 kW以下の発電を行う小型ガスタービン
micro grid マイクログリッド:
Microgrid is a localized grouping of electricity sources and loads that normally operates connected to and synchronous with the traditional centralized electrical grid (macrogrid), but can disconnect and function autonomously as physical and/or economic conditions dictate.(wikipedia)
MMS(IEC61850)MMS: (Manufacturing Messaging Specification) 通信プロトコル
model exchange モデル交換: 
モデル(FMU、Functional Mockup Unit)とソルバ間のインタフェースと、同じソルバで計算される他モデルとのインタフェースを規定。(FMIの項参照)
modular manufacturing組み立て産業
monthly electricity bill 月間電気代
municipal utilities地方公営電気事業者:
A village, town, city, county, or other political subdivision of a state.
N↑ インデックスへ
nameplate capacity 定格発電容量;最大発電容量
The maximum amount of energy a generator could produce in an instant. The higher the nameplate capacity, the more power a generator can make.
negawatt power ネガワット:
Negawatt power is a theoretical unit of power representing an amount of electrical power (measured in watts) saved. (wikipedia)
negawatt tradingネガワット取引:
Negawatt trading is a system in which electricity utilities utilize negawatt aggregators to pay for the amount of electricity saved by consumers (negawatts), is expected to become common after the inauguration of a new negawatt trading market in April 2017.
negawatt-transaction marketネガワット取引市場
neighborhood area network (NAN)地域通信網
Net Energy Metering Aggregation (NEMA)ネットエネルギーメーターリングアグリゲーション(NEMA):
With NEMA, a single large PV system has the same practical effect as several smaller systems spread across multiple fields and is a more efficient way to design a renewable energy project.
Net Meteringネットメーターリング:
Net Metering allows grid-tied solar users to sell excess energy back to utilities and receive credit to apply against electricity bills.
Network layerネットワーク層:
The network layer provides the functional and procedural means of transferring variable length data sequences (called packets) from one node to another connected in "different networks" (wikipedia)
network address translator (NAT)NAT (ネットワークアドレス変換器)
network operatorネットワーク事業者
network userネットワークユーザー
next-generation vehicles新世代自動車
non-spinning reserve運転予備力;待機予備力:
normal operations通常操作
nuclear power station原子力発電所
O↑ インデックスへ
Off-peak hoursオフピーク時間: 電力需要が少ない時間あるいは期間
Those hours or other periods defined by NAESB business practices, contract, agreements, or guides as periods of lower electrical demand.
Offshore Wind洋上風力発電; オフショア風力発電:
Offshore wind is wind power produced by turbines placed off the shore in shallow water.
offshore wind firming 洋上風力発電
On-peak hoursピーク時間:
Those hours or other periods defined by NAESB business practices, contract, agreements, or guides as periods of higher electrical demand.
on-site generation meter requirement オンサイト発電メーター要件
Open Access Transmission Tariffオープンアクセス送電料金制度
open system interconnection (OSI)OSI(開放型システム間相互接続):
OpenADR AllianceOpenADRアライアンス:
The OpenADR Alliance, established in 2010 as an international standardization body promoting the development, adoption, and compliance of OpenADR standards
Operating Agreement運用協定
operational enviroment 運用環境
optimize electricity supply and demand 需給調整の最適化
A Time-Based Rate/Tariff or demand response program in which a customer will be enrolled only if the customer chooses to enroll.
Opt-in Aggregation オプトインアグリゲーション:
“Opt-in”aggregation is a program that permits each resident to sign up individually to participate.
A Time-Based Rate/Tariff or demand response program in which a customer will be enrolled unless the customer chooses not to enroll; a program that is the default for a class of customers but that allows individual customers to choose an alternative rate/tariff or program.
Opt-out Aggregation オプトアウトアグリゲーション:
“Opt-out” aggregation is a program that automatically enrolls all local residents, unless they individually opt-out of the program and choose not to be included.
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)OFDM(直交周波数分割多重):
Outage 停電:
The period during which a generating unit, transmission line, or other facility is out of service.
outage detection 停電検知
The ability of an advanced or smart metering system to determine the absence of electric energy to a customer meter.
outage management: 停電管理:
The response of an electric utility to an outage affecting the ultimate customers of the electric service.
output change 出力変動
Ownership Unbundling (OU) 所有権分離
P↑ インデックスへ
passenger Evs乗用電気自動車
passive optical network (PON)PON(パッシブ光ネットワーク):
PDP (Peak Day Pricing)ピーク日料金
peak clipping ピーク需要の抑制
Peak Demand ピーク需要:
Highest level of electric demand requested on a system or by an end-user.
peak loadピーク負荷:
The maximum load during a specified period of time.
Peak Load Contribution (PLC)ピーク負荷貢献度:
PLC is a designation for electricity users that describes the charge they will pay relative to their peak demand.
peak shift ピークシフト:
peak time rebateピークタイムリベート:
Peak time rebates allow customers to earn a rebate by reducing energy use from a baseline during a specified number of hours on critical peak days.
penetration 普及(浸透)
perform electricity wheeling電気を融通する
performance evaluation 実績評価
physical cell (battery)物理電池:
physical device 物理デバイス《物理的なハードウェアとしての機器)
Physical layer物理層:
The physical layer is responsible for the transmission and reception of unstructured raw data between a device and a physical transmission medium. It converts the digital bits into electrical, radio, or optical signals (wikipedia)
physical safety物理的安全性
PJM Interconnection L.L.CPJM:
platform プラットフォーム;情報通信基盤
Plug-in Hybrid(plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV))プラグインハイブリッド車:
A vehicle that uses both a gasoline internal combustion engine and a battery powered engine. The battery can be recharged by plugging the vehicle into a power source and often it can run on battery power alone.
potential peak (load) reductionピーク抑制可能電力:
The sum of the load reduction capabilities (measured in megawatts) of the demand response program participants, within the specified customer sector in response to price signals or a utility request to curtail load.
power conditioner パワーコンディショナー:
A power conditioner (also known as a line conditioner or power line conditioner) is a device intended to improve the quality of the power that is delivered to electrical load equipment.(wikipedia)
power consumption電力消費量
powre distribution 配電
power generation 発電
power generation station capacity発電所の発電能力
power line communication (PLC)PLC (電力通信):
power marketersパワーマーケッター:
Business entities, including energy service providers, which are engaged in buying and selling electricity, but which do not necessarily own generating or transmission facilities.
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)電力購入契約:
A financial agreement in which a power generator agrees to sell the power produced by its generation to a customer at rates that can be variable or fixed. Wind generators typically sign PPAs for long terms, from 10-25 years.
power shortage電力不足
power supply shortage電力供給不足
premises 敷地内、構内
Pre-Pay Metering:プリペイド検針:
A metering and/or software payment system that allows the ultimate customer to pay for electric service in advance.
Presentation layerプレゼンテーション層:
The presentation layer establishes context between application-layer entities, in which the application-layer entities may use different syntax and semantics if the presentation service provides a mapping between them (wikipedia)
price program 価格プログラム
price spike 価格スパイク
primary process 基本プロセス
Program End Date プログラム終了日:
A date specified when the demand response and/or time-based rate program is no longer in effect.
Program Start Dateプログラム開始日:
A date specified when a demand response and/or time-based rate program began.
Program Typeプログラム形式:
The category of demand response arrangements between retail or wholesale entities and their retail or wholesale customers.
provisioning プロビジョニング:
In telecommunication, provisioning involves the process of preparing and equipping a network to allow it to provide (new) services to its users. wikiepedia)
provisioning serverプロビジョニングサーバ;リモート管理サーバ(サービスゲートウェイ(SGW)をリモートから管理するサーバ)
Public Utility公益企業
A public utility (usually just utility) is an organization that maintains the infrastructure for a public service (often also providing a service using that infrastructure).(wikipedia)
Public Utility District公共事業管轄区:
a public utility district (PUD) is a special-purpose district or other governmental jurisdiction that provides public utilities (such as electricity, natural gas, sewage treatment, waste collection/management, wholesale telecommunications, water) to the residents of that district.(wikipedia)
publicly available specifications (PAS)公開仕様書
Publicly Owned Electric Utility公営電力会社:
Utilities operated by municipalities, political subdivisions, and state and federal power agencies
Public-Private Dialogue toward Investment for the Future未来投資に向けた官民対話
pumped-storage hydroelectricity; pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES)揚水発電:
PV power generating system太陽光発電システム
Q↑ インデックスへ
R↑ インデックスへ
rate structure 料金体系
reactive power無効電力
real time meterリアルタイムメーター:
Meters that measure energy as used, with built-in two-way communication capable of recording and transmitting instantaneous data.
real time meteringリアルタイム検針:
Metering that records consumer use in the same time frame as pricing changes in the market, typically hourly or more frequently.
Real Time Pricing(RTP)リアルタイム料金:
The pricing of electricity based on the cost of the electricity available for use at the time the electricity is demanded by the customer.
real-time 2 hour demand response program リアルタイム2時間需要反応プログラム
real-time 30 minute demand response program リアルタイム30分需要反応プログラム
real-time option リアルタイムオプション
redox flow battery レドックスフロー電池:
reduce demand for electricity節電する:
utilities request the demanding parties (factories, offices and general households) to reduce their demand for electricity during peak times
reduction deadline 削減期限
regional transmission organization (RTO)地域送電機関:
regulation 周波数調整力
regulation service周波数制御サービス:
A type of Demand Response service in which a Demand Resource increases and decreases load in response to real-time signals from the system operator.
Reliability Assurance Agreement信頼度保証協定
reliability program 信頼度プログラム:
ICAP Special Case Resources Program (ICAP/SCR)
Emergency Demand Response Program (EDRP)に分かれる
renewable energy 再生可能エネルギー:
Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.(wikipedia)
Renewable Energy Certificate (or Credit) (REC)グリーン電力証書:(Tradable Green Certificates, TGCと同意)
A REC represents the environmental attributes associated with renewable energy.
Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)RPS制度:
a mechanism many states use to incentivize the deployment of new renewable energy generators. The basic approach of the RPS is to require every entity that sells electricity in the state (LSE's) to have a percentage of renewable energy in their mix.
reserve 予備力:
A service in which demand resources are obligated to be available to provide demand reduction upon deployment by the system operator, based on reserve capacity requirements that are established to meet reliability standards.
residential 一般家庭:
The energy-consuming sector consisting of private households. Common uses of energy associated with this sector include space heating, water heating, air conditioning, lighting, refrigeration, cooking, and running a variety of other electric-powered devices.
residential customer (Residential Energy Customer)一般家庭需要家:
One of three principal classes of energy customers. Residential customers are private households that consume energy primarily for space heating, water heating, air conditioning, lighting, refrigeration, cooking, and washing and drying clothes.
residential photovoltaic power generation家庭の太陽光発電
response time応答時間:
The maximum time allowed in a demand response program for a program participant to react to the program sponsor's notification, in hours.
Sales covering electrical energy supplied for residential, commercial, industrial, and other (e.g., agricultural) end-use purposes.
Revenue Assurance: 収益保証
A set of activities designed to accurately match revenue from providing electric service to customers with customers'use of energy.
reverse power flow逆潮流:
RS-232 RS-232 (シリアル通信規格):
rules for performance evaluation 実績評価ルール
S↑ インデックスへ
Sampled ValuesSampled Values: 通信プロトコル
Sampled Values over Serial Unidirectional Multidrop Point-to-Point Link (IEC61850)シリアル1方向マルチドロップ1対1リンク上でのSampled Values
SCADASCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition):
secondary battery 二次電池(放電だけでなく充電もできる電池)
selling electricity 売電
Session layerセッション層:
The session layer controls the dialogues (connections) between computers(wikipedia)
SET Plan SETプラン:欧州戦略エネルギー技術計画
The unauthorized switching of a customer’s account to another utility or competitive energy supplier without the customer's consent.
SMA-certified HEMS deviceSMA認証取得HEMS機器
smart appliance スマートアプライアンス;スマートグリッド対応家電
smart chargingスマートチャージング:
Smart charging is the intelligent charging of EVs, where charging can be shifted based on grid loads and in accordance to the vehicle owner's needs.
smart devicesスマートデバイス:
Typically an electronic device, generally connected to other devices or networks via different protocols such as Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi, 3G, etc., that can operate to some extent interactively and autonomously.
smart distribution boardスマート分電盤
Smart electric energy metersスマート電力量メータ:
Smart electric energy meters digitally measure electricity usage and automatically send measured data to power companies.
smart gridスマートグリッド(次世代送電網):
スマートメーターやHEMS の通信・制御機能を付加した電力網。事業所や工場など、限られた範囲でエネルギー供給源から末端消費部分を通信網で管理するスマートグリッドは、特にマイクログリッドと呼ばれる。(wikipedia)
スマートグリッド化のメリット:1 ピークシフト(昼間電力消費の一部を夜間電力に移行させる方法)による電力設備の有効活用と需要家の省エネ, 2 再生可能エネルギーの導入, 3 エコカーのインフラ整備, 4 停電対策
A smart grid is an electricity network that can intelligently integrate the behaviour and actions of all its users to ensure a sustainable, economic and secure electricity supply. *More efficient transmission of electricity * Quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances * Reduced operations and management costs for utilities, and ultimately lower power costs for consumers * Reduced peak demand, which will also help lower electricity rates * Increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems * Better integration of customer-owner power generation systems, including renewable energy systems * Improved security
smart grid interoperability panel (SGIP)スマートグリッド相互接続パネル:NISTが2009年11月に設立した委員会
smart homeスマートホーム:
The integration of a smart meter along with Wi-Fi enabled appliances, lighting and other devices that conveniently changes the way a family interacts with its home and optimizes home energy consumption.
Smart Houseスマートハウス
Smart House Standardization Investigative Councilスマートハウス標準化検討会
Smart meter (advanced meter)スマートメーター:
A smart meter is an essential device that integrates data collection and communication within smart grids. Thus, many smart grid functionalities cannot be deployed without smart metering.
solar installation 太陽光発電設備(発電容量); (solar installed capacity)
例文:According to Mercom Capital Group, a market intelligence firm based in Austin, Texas, Japan is forecasted to have 8 gigawatts (GW) of solar installations in 2017.
Solar Power Purchase Agreement (SPPA) 太陽光電力購入契約:
A SPPA is a financial agreement in which a developer arranges for the design, permitting, financing and installation of a solar energy system on a customer's property, typically at little to no cost.
Solar PV太陽光発電システム:
Solar PV (photovoltaics) systems do not have the moving parts or steam production found in most other electricity generation systems. Instead, the sunlight shines on the solar cell and causes an electric current to be generated directly.
Solar Thermal太陽熱:
Solar Thermal is also known as “solar hot water, as it is an application that uses the heat from the sun to warm up water, which can then be used in a business or a home. Residential systems typically consist of two large panels and a system to pump the water.
solver ソルバ (方程式を解く関数やツール)
Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM)(IEC61850)特定通信サービスマッピング(SCSM)
Specified Electricity Utility特定電気事業者(電気事業法)
Specified-Scale Electricity Utility特定規模電気事業者 (電気事業法)
spinning reserve瞬時予備力:
Demand-side resource that is synchronized and ready to provide solutions for energy supply and demand imbalance within the first few minutes of an Emergency Event.
stabilization of power supply電力供給の安定化
standard VPP communication specification標準VPP通信仕様
strategic conservation 戦略的負荷削減
strategic load growth 戦略的な負荷成長
Strenuously pursuing energy efficiency and conservation徹底した省エネ
Subcommittee on the Long-term Energy Supply and Demand Outlook - To Deliberate the Energy Mix for Japanエネルギーミックス委員会
subsidies 補助金
Subsidy for projects that promote the introduction of home energy management systems (HEMS)エネルギー管理システム導入促進事業費補助金
Subsidy to support the introduction of household fuel cells民生用燃料電池導入支援補助金
substation 変電所:
A substation is a part of an electrical generation (発電), transmission(送電), and distribution (配電)system. Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse, or perform any of several other important functions(wikipedia).
sudden, massive blackouts大規模な突発停電
summertime power shortages夏の電力不足
SunSpec Alliance SunSpecアライアンス:
Super Wi-FiスーパーWi-Fi:
Super Wi-Fi is a term coined by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to describe a wireless networking proposal which the FCC plans to use for the creation of longer-distance wireless Internet access.(wikipedia)
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)SCADA (状態監視制御システム):
entity that offers contracts for supply to a consumer (the supply contract) and bills the consumers for consumption. In some countries referred to as Retailer.
supply and demand outlook需給予測
supply side (such as the electricity companies)電力事業者などの供給側
support for the introduction of stationary lithium ion storage batteries定置用リチウムイオン蓄電池導入支援事業
supporting process支援プロセス
System and Project Management (IEC61850)システム及びプロジェクトマネジメント
system infrastructure 系統インフラ
system network系統網
System Peak Response Transmission Tariff送電混雑対応型託送料金:
The terms, conditions, and rates and/or prices for customers with interval meters who reduce load during peaks as a way of reducing transmission charges.
systems such as heating and air conditioning住宅機器
T↑ インデックスへ
tariff 料金制度:
price structure (normally comprising a set of one or more rates of charge) applied to the consumption of a product or service provided to a consumer
tax incentives 税の優遇措置
technical demonstrations of control technologies for virtual power plants (VPPs)バーチャルパワープラント」に係る制御技術の技術実証
telemetry 遠隔検針
telemetry interval 検針間隔
temperature-humidity index (THI)温度-湿度指標
theft detection: 盗難検知:
The ability to detect potential tampering, bypassing or unauthorized removal of revenue or billing meters that should be investigated by the utility.
third party verification第三者検証:
A process by which an independent company (the third party verifier) confirms with the customer that the customer understands and wants to complete the transaction initiated by the energy supplier salesperson.
time of use pricing (TOU)時間帯別料金:
Time-of-use pricing (TOU) typically applies to usage over broad blocks of hours (e.g., on-peak=6 hours for summer weekday afternoon; off-peak= all other hours in the summer months) where the price for each period is predetermined and constant.
time-based program電気料金ベース
time-based rate/tariff時間単位料金:(TOUに同じ)
A retail rate or Tariff in which customers are charged different prices for using electricity at different times during the day.
Time-of-Use Meter時間帯別料金メーター:
Measures customer electricity use and sometimes demand and records that data, along with the time of day, so the utility or supplier can bill the customer according to the charges established in the customer's time-differentiated rates.
time synchronization時刻同期
transformation of electrical energy 変電
transformation unit変電設備
Transformer: トランスフォーマー;変圧器
A device that operates on magnetic principles to increase (step up) or decrease (step down) voltage.
The high voltage system that carries electricity from generation to the various distribution systems.
transmission line送電線
Transmission rate伝送速度:
The transmission rate, sometimes also called bit rate, represents the digital data quantity transmitted within a specific time. Unit: bit/s or bps.
Transmission System (Electric): 送電システム:
An interconnected group of electric transmission lines and associated equipment for moving or transferring electric energy in bulk between points of supply and points at which it is stepped-down to the distribution system for end-use consumers.
Transmission System Operator (TSO)送電事業者:
Natural or legal person responsible for operating, ensuring maintenance, of and, if necessary, developing the transmission system in a given area, and where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity.
transparency 透明性
transparency of requirements 要求事項の透明性
Transport layerトランスポート層:
The transport layer provides the functional and procedural means of transferring variable-length data sequences from a source to a destination host, while maintaining the quality of service functions (wikipedia)
An energy consuming sector that consists of electricity supplied and services rendered to railroads and inter-urban and street railways, for general railroad use including the propulsion of cars or locomotives, where such electricity is supplied under separate and distinct rate schedules.
two-way communication 双方向通信
U↑ インデックスへ
ultimate consumer最終消費者;最終需要家
A consumer that purchases electricity for its own use and not for resale.
ultra-mini EV FOMM超小型EV FOMM
unbundling of power generation and transmission and distribution.
unbundling of electricty generation and transmission 発送電分離:
Unbundling electric generation and transmission services.
underground trunk transmission line地内基幹送電線
United States Demand Response Coordinating Committee (USDRCC)USDRCC:
usage 電力使用:
Amount of electricity you use over a period of time; measured in kWh.
use caseユースケース(具体的応用例):
description of the interaction between one or more actors represented as a sequence of simple steps
utility (company)公益事業会社: ユーティリティ会社(電気、ガス、水道などの公益事業会社)
Utilization Payments:実稼動量対価: 実際にNationalGridの指令で出力した場合支払われる料金
Fast Reserveが発令された時点で、発令された発電量に応じて支払われる。
V↑ インデックスへ
V2H (vehicle to home) systemV2Hシステム
validating,editing and estimating (VEE) method 検証・編集・予測方法
valley filling ボトム時需要創生
variable peak pricing可変ピークタイム料金:
Variable Peak Pricing (VPP) is a hybrid of time-of-use and real-time pricing where the different periods for pricing are defined in advance (e.g., on-peak=6 hours for summer weekday afternoon; off-peak= all other hours in the summer months), but the price established for the on-peak period varies by utility and market conditions.
vehicle to grid (V2G)電気自動車から送電網への送電
vertically integrated utility垂直統合型事業者
Virtual Power Plants (VPPs)バーチャルパワープラント(VPP);仮想発電所
A VPP, or virtual power plant, is a system that controls multiple small-scale power sources or multiple electricity demand-suppression systems to unify them into what is effectively a single power plant.
W↑ インデックスへ
Watt (W): ワット:
The unit of electrical power equal to one ampere of current flowing under the pressure of one volt. A watt is equal to 1/746 horsepower.
Watt-hour (Wh): ワット(時):
The electrical energy unit of measure equal to one watt of power supplied to, or taken from, an electric circuit steadily for one hour.
wavelength division multiplying (WDM)波長分割多重
weather-sennsitive CBL天候依存型ベースライン負荷
weather-sensitive adjustment (WSA)天候感度調整制度
white space ホワイトスペース:
In telecommunications, white spaces refer to frequencies allocated to a broadcasting service but not used locally.(wikipedia)
Pertaining to a sale of electric energy for resale.
wholesale market 卸売り市場
In many cases, electricity is generated by a power company that ultimately will not deliver it to the end-use customer.
Wide Area Network (WAN)WAN(ワイドエリアネットワーク):
extended data communication network connecting a large number of communication devices over a large geographical area.
wide-area situation awareness (WASA)広域監視制御システム
wireless communication technologiesワイヤレス通信技術
wireless technologyワイヤレス技術
wireless USB近距離無線規格:
3.1 -10.6GHz帯域を使用、最大伝送速度は480 Mbps.
X↑ インデックスへ
Y↑ インデックスへ
Z↑ インデックスへ

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